イラーナ・マコヴァ (Ilana Machover) Alexander Technique School, Queen’s Park 校長


She was liked and respected by all the students and the teachers in the school.
I have found her a very committed AT student and teacher. She is always eager to learn more and get more experience.
She is firm and demanding in a very pleasant manner. She understands the difficulties some students have and is very patient, quiet and supportive.

イラーナ・マコヴァ  Alexander Technique School, Queen’s Park
校長 Ilana Machover head of Alexander Technique School, Queen’s Park

アンソニー・キングスレー (Anthony)Alexander Teacher Training School(ATTS) 校長


I am really happy to support Fumie Hosoi in opening her new school in Tokyo. I have known Fumie for many years, both when she was a student and more recently when she worked as one of our Trainers in my school in London. She is a dedicated and skilled Trainer. Her work is precise and clear. Her honesty and integrity shines through her approach to the Alexander Technique. I feel very confident that her new school will be successful for all the right reasons.

アンソニー・キングスレー Alexander Teacher Training School(ATTS)
校長 Anthony Kingsley Head of The Alexander Teacher Training School (ATTS), UKBA

ハワード・サイクス (Howard Sykes)王立演劇学院(RADA)

ハワード・サイクス (Howard Sykes)王立演劇学院(RADA)私が史江さんと一緒に教師トレーニングを受けていた頃からずっと、彼女はアレクサンダーの原理に深い興味を示し、それを熱心に探求し続けてきました。私は彼女の困難に立ち向かう勇気に心からの賞賛とともに、教師養成の学校を開くことにいかなる助力も惜しみません。

“Every since we trained together Fumie has shown a deep interest and a drive to explore Alexander’s principles for herself. I admire her courage and support her wholeheartedly in opening a training course”.

ハワード・サイクス 王立演劇学院(RADA)
Howard Sykes Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)

ポール・ムーア (Paul Moore)王立音楽院(RAM)アレクサンダーテクニーク主任


Head of Alexander Technique, Royal Academy of Music, London Fumie’s new school in Tokyo has been a long time coming. There is a great need for the benefits of F. M. Alexander’s work to be spread around the world. During the many years that I have known her, since graduation in London, she has worked to perfect her understanding and knowledge of the Alexander Technique. I am confident that Fumie’s ability and dedication as a great teacher will inspire and inform all the future trainees at the school, and will undoubtedly be a great success.

ポール・ムーア 王立音楽院(RAM)アレクサンダーテクニーク主任
Paul Moore Head of Alexander Technique, Royal Academy of Music, London

スーザン・ローリー (Susan Laurie) ナショナルシアター ロイヤルシェイクスピアカンパニー


I found it very interesting to work with you and that you were very passionate about bringing the Alexander technique to the performers and had an intelligent curiosity about methods of teaching. Having worked with Japanese actors I am sure Fumie will find it a very rewarding experience and wish luck in this exciting project.

スーザン・ローリー ナショナルシアター ロイヤルシェイクスピアカンパニー
Susan Laurie  Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) and Royal National Theatre in London